Language course – Teaching and Learning during mobility actions

Learning basic Greek during mobility programmes is not only stimulating learning experiences, but it is also essential for the participants to easily adapt to the new cultural environment, giving a chance for form a solid group, making friends and feel spontaneous. The German ‘IdA – Integration through Exchange’ programme, entitled “CHANCE EUROPA”, promoted by “Kreisagentur […]

Curriculum Management competencies for vocational training specialists

The improvement of the skills of the vocational training instructors and the upgrading of the curricula were the main objectives of training for training specialists from three Lithuanian vocational training schools. The program is being implemented by the “European Center In Training for Employment – ECTE”, in cooperation with the the “Rokiskis Technological, Business and […]

AONTAS – Learning from Best Practice in Crete

AONTAS is currently leading on a learning mobility project called ‘AONTAS – Making an Impact at European Level’. The project allows participating organisations to send staff to other European countries to undertake a dedicated period of learning or professional experience, such as job shadowing or training.This is a two year project funded under the adult […]

Traditional Cretan Easter in the small village of Apodoulou.

Easter is surely and by far the most important festival of the Greek year and is celebrated with much more enthusiasm and excitement than Christmas. It is a festival in which the religious, the theatrical, the social and the metaphysical all play a part and it brings communities together with much joyfulness. It is an […]