ERASMUS Participants in the 7th International Mountain Psiloritis Race, Crete

ERASMUS participants Follow the steps of Zeus – “Welcome to Greece…, Welcome to Crete… and its highest mountain Psiloritis, where Zeus was brought up.” ERASMUS Participants hosted by ECTE in Rethymnon of Crete, are volunteering in 7th International Mountain Psiloritis Race. Psiloritis Race links the myth with contemporary history as the runners follow the traces […]

Exyonet Network – The Euro Forum Eyes

European Center in Training for Employment – ECTE is an active member of the Exyonet network, a European network for the employability of young ex-offenders and young people at risk of exclusion. The network has launched the Euro Forum Eyes, commenced in the capital of Europe, Brussels, and in a room full with an international […]

Poland meets the Paleontological Museum of Rethymno

In the Paleontological Museum of Rethymno, the cultural-natural history of Crete met to the cultural history of Poland. Young students, of the High School of Electronics in Rzeszow, in Poland, accompanied by Mrs. Katerina Diamandis, Mr. Charis Pantelidakis and Rodamanthos Androulakis, tutors in international department of the European Training Centre for Employment (ECTE), had the […]

Why Youth & Community Development through Rites of Passage Now?

There are two significant and related challenges defining human progress. One is the need to adapt to a constantly transforming world. The other is the need to communicate and incorporate those adaptations into functioning and diverse communities. Indeed, the integration of adaptive strategies into viable social institutions has charted the course of human history. Today, […]

GoJobGo – International Profiles

Nowadays, 7,5 millions of European young people between 15 and 24 aren’t currently engaged in Employment, Education or Training (NEETs). The possibility of a ‘lost generation’ urges EU institutions and governments, businesses and social partners at all levels to address the youth unemployment challenge. GOJOBGO comes to contribute to youth employment, namely of the youngsters […]