Mobility Placements In Crete / 2013

Even though the year of 2013 is considered as the last year of the existing mobility projects as we know them (Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus) and the passing to a new structural organization of International Mobility Projects under the title “Erasmus for All”, still it has been another successful year for our organization ECTE! ECTE […]

Young librarians from Germany

Fifteen young librarians from Germany who participated in the European Mobility project Leonardo da Vinci entitled “Famipool”, had practice in one of the biggest University Libraries in Europe. The participants during their internships worked in cataloguing, digitization, restoration of books e.t.c. Participants came to Rethymno under three mobility programs with duration 8 weeks each one. […]

GSSkills Project – Geothermal and Solar skills

Mutual learning in the field of skills and employment, EU / Sector Skills Councils, Restructuring European Union’s (EU) new strategy for sustainable growth and jobs, Europe 2020, puts innovation and green growth at the heart of its blueprint for competitiveness. In the future, every job will be a green job. In order to adapt faster, […]

VETPRO Project in Event Management

In the frame of Mobility projects implementation ECTE organized in October a VETPRO Mobility project in the area of Event Management entitled “PECULIARITY OF EVENT MANAGERS TRAINING IN EU COUNTRIES”. Seven professionals in this sector visited Rethymno for one week in order to have an intercultural experience. Their daily agenda included theoretical seminars about events […]

Young architects from Italy in Knossos Palace

According to tradition, it was the seat of the legendary king Minos. The Palace is also connected with thrilling legends, such as the myth of the Labyrinth with the Minotaur, and the story of Daidalos and Icaros. Young architects from Italy, hosted in Rethymnon, participating in Leonardo da Vinci Programme (EMY0, had the chance to […]