Training of trainers on using online learning environments

Training implementation of VET trainers on how to integrate different technologies into online teaching. The course focuses on helping a trainer understand the benefits and restrictions of the two types of online learning environments: institutionally supported Learning Management Systems (LMS), and free open-access platforms such as social media. The program will help trainers t decide whether to use a freely available online tool for teaching, an institution’s learning management system, or a combination. Important considerations such as which type of technology is suitable for different activities are also explored.

The training material has been developed by ECTE, LDI Berlin (Germany), Fundation GFM Renovables (Spain) and Liceum Technologic Bratianu (Romania)the other partners in the context of the European Programme Erasmus Plus, Key Activity 2, Strategic Partnerships for VET | Innovation entitled“DEVELOPING A DIGITAL LEARNING PROGRAM PROMOTING DUAL VET IN RENEWABLE ENERGY AND SUSTAINABILITY WITH INTERACTIVE TOOLS

Remote Management for SMEs project – Partners meeting in Berlin

In today’s fast-paced business world, remote management has become increasingly important for organizations of all sizes. With remote teams becoming more common and the rise of remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for effective remote management has never been more significant. Here are some key reasons why “remote management” is crucial for businesses in the modern age.
Remote management is crucial for organizations looking to stay ahead in today’s fast-paced business environment. By offering increased flexibility, improved productivity, cost savings, better collaboration, and increased employee satisfaction, remote management can help organizations to achieve their goals.

In January 2023, the working team of the  “Remote Management” project, met in Berlin to have an overview of the work done so far, and plan the next steps for the project implementation. The project’s objective is to provide remote management training to the management staff.


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Creating new, innovative, or joint curricula or courses;

Electromobility – Training in Zero Emissions-capable Vehicles

According to the final report 2017 of the “High-Level Group on the Competitiveness and Sustainable Growth of the Automotive Industry in the European Union”, the European automotive sector is expected to undergo structural changes in its value chain due to the shift towards low and zero emissions-capable vehicles (ZEVs). This transformation will have a significant impact on the industry’s workforce, 4 million employees, leading to the need to the acquisition of new skills, and retain and reskill the workforce in the sector.

New training programs and curricula are needed to be developed to fill the gaps between existing training and needed training in vocational training in this sector.

It is, therefore, crucial to offer unemployed or active workers having finalized their initial training, an adapted and innovative continuous vocational training, which will allow them to evolve in the labor market.

The objectives of the ZEV-Vet training project that was coordinated by the European Center in Training for Employment (ECTE) and implemented by the Learning and Development Institute (LDI UG) in Berlin were:

– To meet the growing demand for new skills from people working in the automotive sector in

repairing and services professions, EQF 4&5 working in independent workshops in the automotive repair and retain sector, by the adoption of innovative teaching methods and curriculum.

To enhance the consortium’s reputation at a local, regional, national, and European level in terms of quality in its training and innovation in terms of new curricula and teaching methods. 10  professional trainers visited Berlin, for identifying curricula and acquiring innovative teaching methods in ZEV. Additionally, qualitative work-based learning practices were identified, allowing the acquisition, evaluation, and validation of learning outcomes in the workplace. Moreover, the training content not only focused on technical skills, but also on transversal skills, including entrepreneurship, ICT, and interdisciplinary skills.






Italiani a Rethymnon

Durante questa esperienza di due settimane abbiamo potuto conoscere, una cultura completamente diversa dalla nostra.

A Rethimnon abbiamo imparato a comunicare in una lingua a noi straniera e a vivere in una citta’ completamente diversa dalla nostra.

Convivere con altre persone a noi sconosciute e’ stata un altra abilita’ che siamo riusciti a sviluppare nel corso del tempo. E questo ci ha reso piu’ uniti e disposti ad aiutarci l’uno con l’altro.
Queste cose ci hanno insegnato a diventare piu autonomi e dipendere di meno dagli adulti.

Inoltre le esperienze lavorative che abbiamo svolto ci hanno fatto scoprire come funziona il mondo del lavoro e aperto gli occhi su come potrebbe essere il nostro futuro.

Attraverso l’ Erasmus abbiamo potuto conoscere e osservare l’isola di Creta nelle sue meraviglie storiche e artistiche. Ma non solo, con questa esperienza abbiamo conosciuto persone del luogo che ci hanno accolto e trattati come familiari.

L’ Erasmus e’ una avventura da vivere per questo non bisogna tirarsi indietro o avere paura di andare all’estero perche nella propria vita bisogna migliorare le proprie conoscenze e comprendere che al mondo esistono tante diverse culture che vanno scoperte e apprezzate per come sono, senza giudicare e senza criticare il vivere quotidiano di altre persone.
Perche il bello del mondo e’ la sua multiformalita’.

Martino and Margherita

Design Thinking challenges: From Theory to practice

Twenty persons mentored by eight mentors from four countries participating in the DTRaIN project participated in four Design Thinking workshop sessions. They worked together on four real market situations of companies in the agri-food sector in their countries in the context of the DTRaIN project. The Design Challenge reports produced describe the steps followed by each team in using the Design Thinking methodology for reaching a solution in a specific situation the companies are facing.

Each of the Design Challenges report produced, served as a reference for the development of a “serious game”, to increase learners’ motivation and to enhance their ability to recall and retain the already owned knowledge got by attending the DTRaIN course. The participants of the challenge workshops who acted as members of Design teams were persons who had already finalized their training in Design Thinking for Entrepreneurship in Agri-food Sector, via the DTRaIN e-learning platform

Design thinking in the agri-food sector can make use of new ways of solving problems that are not necessarily connected to the way that we incrementally perform better a product or service, but rather, how can we radically change the way that we do and perform activities. The design thinking approach method that was used by the working teams in dealing with the challenges, is the “four steps design process” which is a more direct and straightforward one, as the participants learned in the DTRaIN course. Observation, Ideation, Prototyping, and Testing.