Exyonet – Network for Employability of Young (Ex)Offenders

Exyonet is a network for Employability of Young (Ex) Offenders, financed by the EU Youth in Action Programme, Support Systems for Youth – sub-Action 4.3: Networks. It unites the efforts of six institutions in different European countries: Ealing City Council (UK) Romanian Foundation for Democracy (Romania) Cooperative Arimo (Italy) ECTE—European Center in Training for Employment […]

Vocational Training Process for Disabled citizens in EU

“Educational process of citizens with special needs in the countries of the European Union”, was the subject of transnational meeting held in Rethymno at 7-10 April 2014. The meeting was organised by the European Training Center for employment (ECTE), in cooperation with the State training and employment agency Mustafa Nevzat Pısak Vocational Education Center based […]

Bike event management – Promoting “Cultural Tourism”

The city of Rethymno, many years now, has turned its gaze on the exploitation of its rich cultural heritage. Investing in cultural tourism, is a policy tool that can bring benefits to all citizens, creating new tourist flows, new jobs, new cultural and creative businesses and opportunities for regional development. In addition, new developments lead […]

PATiE Project – Psychodrama Training modules in adult Education

The use of psychodrama techniques appears to be capable of providing a valid answer to the majority of problems arised through a research implemented by PATiE project partners in Greece, Italy, Poland and Spain. The results of the research were presented in a meeting held in Florence in 24th of February. At the meeting specific […]

GSSkills Project – First partner meeting in Paris

GSSkills project partners met in Paris in 9th and 10th of January, for the first (kickoff) meeting of the project. The meeting hosted by Le Compagnons devoir. Partners analysed in details all work packages of the project assigned tasks and deadlines. First work packages, special skills, needed for low skilled workers engaged in the sectors […]