Training implementation of VET trainers on how to integrate different technologies into online teaching. The course focuses on helping a trainer understand the benefits and restrictions of the two types of online learning environments: institutionally supported Learning Management Systems (LMS), and free open-access platforms such as social media. The program will help trainers t decide whether to use a freely available online tool for teaching, an institution’s learning management system, or a combination. Important considerations such as which type of technology is suitable for different activities are also explored.

The training material has been developed by ECTE, LDI Berlin (Germany), Fundation GFM Renovables (Spain) and Liceum Technologic Bratianu (Romania)the other partners in the context of the European Programme Erasmus Plus, Key Activity 2, Strategic Partnerships for VET | Innovation entitled“DEVELOPING A DIGITAL LEARNING PROGRAM PROMOTING DUAL VET IN RENEWABLE ENERGY AND SUSTAINABILITY WITH INTERACTIVE TOOLS”