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GOJOBGO – Job Impulse
01.10.2014 -

GOJOBGO – Job Impulse

Nowadays, 7,5 millions of European young people between 15 and 24 aren’t currently engaged in Employment, Education or Training (NEETs). The possibility of a ‘lost generation’ urges EU institutions and governments, businesses and social partners at all levels to address the youth unemployment challenge. GOJOBGO, comes to contribute to youth employment, namely of the youngsters that have been involved in mobility schemes and face difficulties both in finding a job and in exploiting the added value of mobility experiences on their professional profiles.

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Thematic Fields

European Department – Fields


European Department – Sectors

Target Groups

European Department – Target Groups

rEdESIGN - Fostering social entrepreneurship in rural areas for sustainable food systems

Entrepreneurship, Social Inclusion and integration, Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication

SEBCoVE - Smart Electricity for Buildings

Environment, Renewable Energy, Educational methods

Remote Management for SMEs

Educational methods, Guidance, Digitalisation

RESTAT - REcognition of Skills to Transform Accessible Tourism

Educational methods, Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication, Well-Being

Educere - Competence Accedidation Model for Professionals in the Juvenile Justice Sector in Europe

Educational methods, Social Inclusion and integration, Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication


Educational methods


Educational methods, Entrepreneurship, Digitalisation

Art Connects Mental Health – A Time to Breathe

Educational methods, Social Inclusion and integration, Guidance

DTRaIN – Design Thinking for Entrepreneurship in Agri-food Sector

Educational methods, Entrepreneurship, Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication

Play It Out Loud - Playing drama for social inclusion of shy children

Educational methods, Social Inclusion and integration, Guidance

EuroMob Tool

Educational methods, Entrepreneurship, Social Inclusion and integration


Educational methods, Entrepreneurship, Guidance

reACTIVATE - Eu Job Mobility Scheme For Unemployed 35+

Entrepreneurship, Social Inclusion and integration, Guidance


Educational methods, Entrepreneurship, Social Inclusion and integration

YOUROPE – Youth Rites of Passage in Europe

Educational methods, Guidance, Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication

SMART KIDS – A learner-centred pedagogical method based on the concept of Smart City

Educational methods, Digitalisation, Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication

SENSNET – European learning academy of professionals working with older people with sensory impairments

Educational methods, Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication, Well-Being

DREAM – Development And Run-test Of An Educational Affective Model

Educational methods

GSS-VET: Geothermal and Solar Skills

Environment, Educational methods, Entrepreneurship

GOJOBGO – Job Impulse

Guidance, Social Inclusion and integration

GRM – Collect - Recycle - Manufacture

Educational methods, Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication, Environment

Patie – Psychodrama as a Tool In Adult Education

Educational methods, Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication

Exyonet – European Network for employability of Young (ex) offenders

Educational methods, Entrepreneurship, Social Inclusion and integration
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